Sunday, May 17, 2020
W3 Quiz Solutions Essay - 668 Words
BUSN 5200 Quiz for week 3 Note: In the questions below, the correct answer is identified with an asterisk 1. (See Exhibit 2-2 on page 58 in your BUSN 5200 Custom text Version 2) Assume Main Street Store’s Net Sales in 2010 were $1,000,000 and it’s Net Income in 2010 was $17,000. Thus, between 2010 and 2011 Main Street Store’s net sales increased 20%. During the same period what percentage did net income increase? a. 5.6% From Exhibit 2-2 on page 58: b. 17.0% 2010 net income: $17,000 2011 net income: $18,000 c. 5.9% * Change: $ 1,000 Percent change = $1,000 / $17,000 = .0588, or 5.9% d. 94.4% 2. (See Exhibit 2-2 on page 58 in your BUSN 5200 Custom text Version 2) In 2011 Main Street Store’s†¦show more content†¦a. Buying equipment $(40,000) b. Paying off debt no pay down of debt in 2011 c. Increasing inventory * $(170,000) See Exhibit 2-4 on page 62 d. Paying dividends * $(5,000) 7. (See Exhibit 2-4 on page 62 in your BUSN 5200 Custom text Version 2) What happened to Main Street Store’s Cash Account in 2011? a. It increased * From Exhibit 2-4 on page 62: Increase in cash during 2011 = $34,000 b. It decreased c. It stayed the same d. You can’t tell without further information 8. Which of the following is true about McDonalds Corporation? a. Between 2010 and 2011 total revenue increased by a higher percentage than net income. * 2010 2011 Change Percent Change McDonalds Total Revenue $24,074.6 $27,006.0 $2,931.4 .1218, or 12.18% McDonalds Net Income $4,946.3 $5,503.1 $556.8 .1126, or 11.26% Scroll down to page 28 b. Between 2010 and 2011 total revenue increased by a lower percentage than net income. c. McDonalds’ sales decreased between 2010 and 2011. d. McDonalds’ net income decreased between 2010 and 2011. 9. McDonalds’ net worth (in millions) at the end of 2011 was: a. $16.6 b. $0 c. $14,390.2 * See Scroll down to page 29 d. 32,989.9 10. Which of the following isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Midterm Questions6765 Words  | 28 Pagespast decisions related to budget or employee benefits were made by the managers involved True 10. List, in order, the steps to include in a rationale Step 1-title 2-identify the problem globally 3-narrow the problem 4-state a proposed solution 5-state what can be gained from the program 6-state why the program will be successful 7-provide references 11. In order for resources and support to flow into health promotion programming Decision makers need to see values from the program Read MoreInternational Financial Accounting155754 Words  | 624 PagesLearning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA Printed in Great Britain We are grateful to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for permission to reproduce past examination questions. The suggested solutions in the exam answer bank have been prepared by BPP Learning Media Ltd, unless where otherwise stated. All our rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any meansRead MorePepsi Supply Chain13753 Words  | 56 PagesSupply Chain Management Adel Abou Heneidy 143 Symbols in logistics network Supply Chain Management Adel Abou Heneidy 144 Network Design Tools: Major Components †¢ Mapping – Mapping allows you to visualize your supply chain and solutions – Mapping the solutions allows you to better understand different scenarios – Color coding, sizing, and utilization indicators allow for further analysis †¢ Data – Data specifies the costs of your supply chain – The baseline cost data should match your accountingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPoint/Counterpoint Player–Owner Disputes Are Unnecessary 471 Questions for Review 472 Experiential Exercise A Negotiation Role-Play 472 Ethical Dilemma The Lowball Applicant 473 Case Incident 1 Choosing Your Battles 473 Case Incident 2 Mediation: Master Solution to Employment Disputes? 474 S A L 15 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 What Is Organizational Structure? 480 Work Specialization 480 †¢ Departmentalization 482 †¢ Chain of Command 483 †¢ Span of Control 484 †¢ Centralization
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Bmis 208 Cms Systems Inc - 1081 Words
HELPIDO.COM --------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW THE LINK TO GET THE TUTORIAL --------------------------------------------------------------- BMIS 208 CMS SYSTEMS INC ________________________________________ General Background Information: CMS Systems, Inc. is a company that provides information systems consulting services to companies in the telecom industry in the United States and the United Kingdom. Due to its success, CMS is hoping to expand its operations into other parts of Europe. Despite its large size, CMS currently uses a manual/spreadsheet-based process for maintaining employee and client data. Management has now decided†¦show more content†¦Employees currently log their time using an Excel worksheet. An example of this worksheet is presented below. Notice that the employee’s supervisor is listed on the worksheet. A supervisor is currently required to approve his/her employees’ timesheets by placing his/her initials beside his/her name. Deliverable: For this project, you are required to create the GUI for a timekeeping/payroll system for CMS. The system should first allow an employee to enter his/her name and record the time he worked on each project for a given week. Using the spreadsheet above as a guideline, the system must allow the user to enter his/her name and the name of his/her supervisor. Next, the user must enter the number of the week for which he is entering time. Assume a maximum of 52 weeks in a year. Make sure the employee enters only a valid week number. To record an employee’s hours, the user must enter the name of a client, a client’s contract and a project. For each of the 7 days in a week, the user must enter hours worked or check a box that indicates the day is a weekend, a holiday, or a vacation day. If the employee fails to enter any hours for a day and fails to check the weekend/holiday/vacation box for that day, the system should warn the user that the given day is missing information. The system should also ensure that if any work hours are entered for a day, the checkbox for that day should NOT be checked. Finally, the system shouldShow MoreRelatedToyota Supply Chain78751 Words  | 316 PagesTOYOTA’S RENOWNED SYSTEM ANANTH V. IYER SRIDHAR SESHADRI ROY VASHER New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright  © 2009 by Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy Vasher. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the priorRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesTenth Edition David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University San Diego, CA Tenth Edition Contributor Susan L. Verhulst Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, IA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager Marketing Assistant Production Manager Senior Production Editor Freelance Development Editor Senior Designer Interior Design Senior Media Editor Senior Photo Editor
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1656 Words
Abstract All over the nation we are seeing economic growth due to the legalization of marijuana. In 2014 expected tax revenue from the marijuana industry is an expected $67 million just in Colorado alone. Now in Washington their government is allocating a 25% excise tax on marijuana. While in Colorado they assigned a proposition to enable a 15% excise tax, and a 10% sales tax on recreational marijuana. Marijuana is stimulating businesses all over, whether it be real estate, construction, or candy! Business owners are using the legalization of marijuana to their advantage. With the legalization of marijuana businesses like Whole Foods and The Body shop, that import an estimated 25,000 hemp product, can buy their hemp products from national†¦show more content†¦With many prospects for European travelers Coloradans are preparing themselves for new business opportunities. Like how the Colorado Symphony Orchestra has started a series of concerts sponsored by four different cannabis relate d companies. These concerts are expected to bring a younger audience back to the arts. There are about 7.6 million frequent marijuana smokers in the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Nearly 23.9 million Americans use marijuana semi regularly, so what are we waiting for? It’s time to reach into this untapped pool of customers and capitalize on the legalization of marijuana. Taxes In the first half of 2014, Colorado’s marijuana commerce was responsible for generating about $20 million in state fees and taxes. This new revenue is planned to be used to ensure that the agencies responsible for administering marijuana regulations have sufficient funds to enforce laws and do compliance checks. Gov. John Hickenlooper has proposed we use $10 million to research the medical efficacy of marijuana. Additionally, some of that revenue is going to be allocated towards constructing schools, and generating youth and public education campaigns about marijuana. The trade journal Medical Marijuana Business Daily currently estimates that a fully legalized
Foreign Policy And Trade Regulation - 1862 Words
Over the course of the semester we have discussed the European integration in areas such as justice, currency, foreign policy and trade regulation. As it stands, member nations are incredibly intertwined in common policies which serve to create a unified Europe. However, one large area that has been left untouched by integration has been a common, European military. Though European member states are highly integrated as part of their membership in the EU, Europe’s currently military policies are insufficient, and their inability to create a military force is shaped by issues of sovereignty and identity. In this paper I will examine why Europe struggles to coordinate defense efforts. I will do so by examining the history of European†¦show more content†¦To best understand NATO and the EuroCorps, one must know the evolution of Europe’s military cooperation in conjunction with the Union’s overall integration. Europe’s military policy has been shaped by The Treaty of Brussels, the European Defense Community (EDC), the North Atlantic Treaty, and the Western European Union respectively. In 1947, as part of the aftermath of WW2, Britain and France signed the Treaty of Dunkirk. The two parties agreed to provide mutual assistance to one another in the event that Germany again showed aggressions as it did during the war. The Treaty of Dunkirk was the first treaty of military cooperation in Europe, and it ultimately paved way for the Western European Union. Two weeks after signing the Treaty of Dunkirk, the partnership was extended to Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and was renamed the Treaty of Brussels. The Treaty of Brussels contained only ten articles, but its comprehensive content gave the signatories power to defend themselves collectively. Most important to the treaty was Article 4, which stated that if any of the parties should be the object of an armed attack in Europe, the other parties would give necessary military assistance, and provide any other aid they could feasibly give to the country under attack.
South West Airlines
Question: Discuss the assumptions and impacts of the most plausible scenario on Southwest airlines Target markets. Unique customer value proposition/s. Distinctive value chain. Answer: Introduction: Southwest is basically the United States comparative low fare airline, which services short-haul and city pairs, and just provide single air class transportation to the passengers, who target the business traveller and the leisure travellers. Southwest has got one almost the best Customer Service overall records, which is one of the cheapest operating cost effective structures and also for so many past continuous years offers simplest fares in the airline industry for domestic rides. Southwest airlines have been the winner for the famous Triple Crown for continuous five years in a row, i.e. 1992 - 1996. The Triple Crown basically consists of the best baggage controlling and handling, with almost negligible and very few customer grievances and complaints and perfect record for best on-time reaching performance among the competitors of all major airlines. For almost even more than 40 years, this airline has been a continuous motivator, and a great innovator, with its very competitive a nd low operating costs, its presence and unique dominance at almost all the smaller airports in the US and its excellent, humorous and outstanding customer service (Diaconu Maxim, 2012). Target market for the Southwest airlines: Southwest Airlines targeted the medium to high class frequency business clients and travellers who take just two to three round-trips and not more than that per month, male or female who are professionals between the age group of 24 - 55, such travellers who are very cost conscious, dissatisfied clients from the full-service airlines. Clients looking to cover distances from range of 750 to 1,700 miles, some leisure, family client travellers, internet savvy clients, and other 30 - 60 days trip travel planners etc. formed part of travellers who were travelling the southwest airlines (Miles and Mangold, 2005). The airlines has always been very polite and supportive to the customers who travel through it, each time the hospitality level, which the clients experienced increased and the customers became the permanent clients of the southwest airlines. Southwest always felt very proud in itself to have a "no change fee" if it concerns the reservations, and had ruled to allow just the first and at the last second bag to fly free with the travellers, and had a unique idea to welcome pets on-board. Their very attractive business model which believes in "Keeping it Simple" consisted of no distinction of the seating class whatsoever, no such thing as the on-board meals, and a very simple structure for the ticket pricings. Southwest has always had the on time best performance all across the concerned field, and also the customer ratings for this has been at the top always (Murakami, 2013). Unique customer value proposition of the southwest airlines: The Value proposition is among the most important steps or the aspects of any strategy of any company. It has always been the most significant key elements of any companys strategic triangle. One can easily find out that the South West has a very differentiated and unique value proposition in comparison to both cars as well as the traditional airlines which may also include airlines like the AA/United. Southwest airlines have always been much cheaper and on the other hand also more convenient than the AA or any other airlines which are available in the market, with even more friendly service plus always better on the platform and the results of being on time performance. AA may beat the South West on the proportion of buying factors of the meals, seating arrangement or may be entertained, but on the actual grounds these are far less significant to travellers who prefer economy classes in the airlines. Southwest is differentiated with the car travel as well, but clearly on the different buying of tickets factors the flights of the southwest are definitely much faster, rather travelling by a cab, taxi or car and also often friendly service is rarely found in a car travel (Ng, 2006). Thus, in comparison to the traditional airlines, The South West airlines surely have much value proposition as far as the price, on-time arrival; comfort, convenience and the presidential treatment are concerned. Though the services which were provided by the rich airlines were better than the southwest airlines, but in accordance with this the clients were charged real heavy money, thus clients preferred to travel from the southwest as they travel on those airlines was real price for the money paid by them (Thomas, 2015). Distinctive value chain: The Distinctive Value Chain Management of the southwest airlines states that the coordination of all sequences of all departmental activities is required to be transformed into goods or the services in such a way which is desired as well as liked by the customers. Further a successful value chain management clearly and keenly focuses on efforts to lower input and on the other hand, increasing efficiency along with the innovation as well as the customer focus and last but not the least responsiveness. Most importantly, the central focus of the value chain management is sure and UN doubly the customer responded (van den Briel et al., 2005). If any of the companies do not research about the liking and requirements of the customer and is unable to find out what actually a customer wants, there can be no possible way to improve the short come if any. Competition is so acute in each and every business that, it just takes one bad experience which may take away even the most loyal and fixed customers away from that company. If the company does nothing to put efforts on such things which may make the trips happier for the customer, sooner or later the concerned company is sure to get closed. In todays world, a companys ultimate and best marketing weapon or the tool isjust simple word of mouth from a client (Thomas, 2015). With all of the present platforms that are available to clients online and also through the social media channel, a company is also required to procure clients by providing outstandinghospitality servicesto them or the client shall open themselves to virtual billboards which includes poor publicity and also the marketing. References Diaconu Maxim, L. (2012). The Development of the Low-Cost Carriers Business Models. Southwest Airlines Case Study.Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Economics, 59(1). Miles, S. and Mangold, W. (2005). Positioning Southwest Airlines through employee branding.Business Horizons, 48(6), pp.535-545. Murakami, H. (2013). Dynamic Effect of Low-Cost Entry on the Conduct Parameter: An Early-Stage Analysis of Southwest Airlines and America West Airlines.ME, 04(04), pp.281-292. Ng, C. (2006). Emergence of a Market for Southwest Airlines Frequent Flyer Awards.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1951, pp.37-43. Thomas, M. (2015). Strategic principles at Southwest Airlines.Strategic Direction, 31(8), pp.10-12. van den Briel, M., Villalobos, J., Hogg, G., Lindemann, T. and Mul, A. (2005). America West Airlines Develops Efficient Boarding Strategies.Interfaces, 35(3), pp.191-201.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gun Control College Essay Example For Students
Gun Control College Essay By: Kiet E-mail: emailprotected Gun Control Since the days of the pioneers of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fast and steady increase in crime and the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control, to try to reduce the crime in the United States, has been a hotly debated issue in recent years. Although many people feel that gun control violates the right of the people, given in the second amendment the right to bear arms, controlling distribution and sales and the registration of guns and gun owners is necessary because of the homicide rate involving guns and the violence by criminals using guns. Many people feel that gun control violates the right of the people given in the second amendment the right to bear arms. Opponents of gun control, including the National Rifle Association, better known as the NRA, argue that the right To bear arms is guaranteed in the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and licensing restrictions penalize law-abiding citizens while in no way preventing criminal use of handguns. It is also argued that by making it difficult for guns to be bought and registered for the American public there is a threat to the personal safety of American families everywhere. However controlling the sale and distribution of firearms is necessary because of the homicide rate involving guns. In 1988 there were 9000 handgun related murders in America. Metropolitan centers and some suburban communities of America are setting new records for homicides by handguns. Larger Metropolitan centers have ten times the murder rate of all Western Europe. For example in Washington,D.C. there was an estimated 400 homicides including guns. In addition gun control has been seen as necessary because of the violence by criminals using guns. Gun control is wrapped in a series of social issues such as crime and drugs. Guns have become closely linked to drugs and murder in the public mind. Drug dealing and high tech weaponry have escalated the warfare in cities between long established loosely knit gangs. Predominantly guns of crime are used by gang members. Many police officers are killed every year due to drug and gang related incidents involving guns. For example in 1988 on February 26 rookie New York City police officer Edward Byre was sitting alone in his police car guarding the house of a drug trial witness in South Jamaica, Queens where he was shot four times in the head and killed. In conclusion there are valid reasons for why certain people feel that gun control is unfair. People against gun control feel that it is a violation of the Constitution to control the sale and distribution and the registration of guns and gun owners. But it is necessary for there to be certain limits on the way that firearms are handled in this country because of the homicide rate involving guns and because of the violence created by criminals using guns. If gun control legislation were to go through there would be a significant decline in gun related crimes and fatalities. Word Count: 547
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