Sunday, December 29, 2019
Should College Athletes Be Paid - 1817 Words
Max Moss Mrs. Fallow Honors American Literature 7 April 2015 Amateurs or Athletes All Division 1 athletes put their heart and soul into the sport that they work so hard for day after day, week after week, month after month. For many years, athletes’ passion and hard work for the game that they play has gotten them an opportunity to attend a university where they are able to showcase their talent and ability at one of the highest amateur levels of athletics. When one makes it to the Division 1 level, playing sports is more or less a business. The job that one has as a student athlete is to play sports and make a profit for the college he or she attends. In the past years, there has been one controversial question that lingers in the minds of athletes, sports analysts and fans across the nation. Should Division 1 athletes be paid to participate? Division 1 student athletes should not receive payment or a salary for competing in college athletics. Most athletes in their lives have had some kind of emotional response after winning a game. N othing can be compared to the joint excitement that an athlete feels in this specific moment. That feeling of being on top of the world is incomparable. During these moments, nothing matters to the athlete but getting the win. There is no thought of money or revenue running through one’s mind. This proves the purity of playing collegiate sports. â€Å"About 2% of high school athletes are awarded athletic scholarships to compete in college†Show MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid?1578 Words  | 7 PagesAshay Mehta Nou Per 8 Should College Athletes Be Paid? One of the hottest debates in the sports industry is if college athletes should be paid. If you want to pay these athletes, how would the college determine the dollar amount that should be paid? Should the basketball team make more than the football team? Should the the soccer team be paid as well? Cheerleading? Chess team? Should everyone on the team get a salary? What if your college is good at football and your basketball team is awfulRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1398 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieve that college athletes at the highest performing schools are better treated than others. Although they do not get paid, they do receive some benefits for being athletes that other students would not get. One advantage for playing a sport is access to scholarships that some schools reserve for their athletes. Depending on the school and the athlete’s performance, money towards tuition is often given. Only some schools are willing to grant â€Å"full-ride†scholar ships for certain athletes. AccordingRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1289 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the years college sports have been about the love of the game, filled with adrenaline moments. However, the following question still remains: Should college athletes get paid to play sports in college? Seemingly, this debate has been endless, yet the questions have gone unanswered. The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) plays a vital role in this debate. The NCAA is a billion dollar industry, but yet sees that the athlete should get paid for their hard work and dedicationRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1334 Words  | 6 Pagesrising to the surface is â€Å"Should college athletes be paid?†. This has become a burning question. The NCAA is a multibillion-dollar industry, that makes millions, if not billions, in revenue. Yet it’s still maintains the non-profit status meaning that the industry is not set on making a profit and none of the revenue that is made is distributed to its members, managers, or officers. While most players who play in college sports are under a scholarship, that pays for the college tuition, books, and housingRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1364 Words  | 6 PagesHave you paid attention to all of the news that has been surfacing about collegiate sports lately? It is a big topic now days in the world of sports on weather college athletes should be getting paid to play sports. College athletics have gained great popularity of the past few decades, and have brought schools lots of revenue. A lot of college athletes think they should be getting paid for their services they do for their school. College sports like basketball and football generate over six billionRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1130 Words  | 5 PagesWhat college athlete would not want to be paid to play the sport that he or she loves? The real question is, though, should college athletes be paid fo r their roles in a college’s athletics? They are many points to each side of this recent controversial topic, which is why this has been made into such a hot debate in the past couple of years. As of right now, these athletes are not getting paid, but many of them truly believe that they should. Others believe that they already are being paid throughRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?986 Words  | 4 PagesPaying the College Athlete The college athlete has steadily grown in popularity in the United States over the span of the past decades. Monetarily speaking, this increased publicity has been extremely beneficial for National Athletic Association (NCAA) and all the colleges involved in athletics which has sparked the dispute of whether or not the athlete should be paid for their hard work and dedication on the field and to their school or if the athletic scholarship is more than enough. College athletesRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1239 Words  | 5 PagesLindsey Simmerman Speech 102 T/Th 1:00-2:15 October 25, 2016 Should college athletes be paid to play? Specific Purpose: To persuade the class to agree with my stance on paying college athletes to play sports Thesis: College football is the hours players spend practicing and performing, the number of injuries the players face, and the persona these athletes must portray every day all the while watching their schools, coaches, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) get all the compensationRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1254 Words  | 6 PagesSome college athletic departments are as wealthy as professional sports teams. The NCAA has an average annual revenue of $10.6 billion dollars. College athletes should be paid because of the amount of revenue that they bring to their college. Each individual college should pay its athletes based on how much revenue they bring to the college in which they attend. The colleges that win their Division title, their Conference title, or the National championship, give bonuses to the Head coach of thatRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1558 Words  | 7 Pagesstudent-athletes participate in a variety of different s ports, and currently they do not receive paychecks for their performances. College athletics have attained an extensive popularity increase among Americans over the past few decades. This has resulted into increased revenues for the National Collegiate Athletic Association [NCAA] and the participating colleges, which has fuelled the debate of whether or not college athletes should collect an income. College athletes should not be paid to play
Saturday, December 21, 2019
E Commerce Systems A Non Profit Organisation - 1512 Words
Unit 8 E-commerce systems 25/10/2014 Kazi Rashid: RAS14002716 Scenario Newham Charity UK is a non-profit organisation that donates money to several charities throughout the year. They are presently working with system and business analysts to set up a fully networked computer system to help introduce e-commerce as part of its operations. The project will take many weeks to develop the system. The charity has asked me as a consultant to explain the impact of e-commerce of a business. The Charity would also like to know the benefits and drawbacks of an e-commerce system. They would also like to know about the potential risks and the security techniques of an e-commerce system. In addition, the charity would also like to know the hardware and software involved for e-commerce. What is E-commerce? E-commerce is when businesses decide to create websites to help promote and sell their products on the Internet. Here are some examples of successful e-commerce businesses. †¢ EBay †¢ Amazon †¢ Best Buy E-commerce can help expand the range of products to be sold and often help businesses generate a higher volume of sales. E-commerce can also be used to help charity organisations gather donations from anywhere around the world. Oxfam are an example of a successful e-commerce charity. They are an organisation that sells pre-owned clothing, games, DVD’s and gifts in stores and online. The company generated  £20.5 million of sales through their e-commerce website and stores. What are theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Pest Anaylsis Nordea1443 Words  | 6 Pagesfor information systems 2. Effectiveness of law v internet 3. Monopoly legislation 4. Trading from investors Economical 1. Economy of information systems in Scandinavia 2. Economical trends 3. Trade and industry 4. Competition of cost outside Europe Social 1. Wide demographic 2. Applying decent pricing to customer’s needs 3. 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My suggested strategy is based on my analysis, and supported by evaluation of my proposed ways, showing its suitability for the company, and also its relation to the firms bu siness strategy. Task B. In this part, I am going to discuss the challenges of adoption of e-business and solve the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for E-business in relation to the firm. Task C. In this task, I am going toRead MoreStrategic Information Systems6006 Words  | 25 PagesINFORMATION SYSTEMS SIS Assignment tasks: A. Discuss different levels and types of information systems uses in your chosen organisation. B. Discuss the relevance of information management, knowledge management and information systems strategies for your chosen organisation. C. Discuss the role that IS planning frameworks can play in creating an effective IS strategy for your chosen organisation. Also explain the role of IS led change in successful adoption of systems at this organisation
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Aulani Marketing Report free essay sample
This marketing research project is developed to benefit the future development of Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, especially focus on green marketing perspective. In this project, the format of marketing plan is followed and it has four main parts. First, a general business description is given, having an overview of Aulani. Second, the internal business environment of Aulani is analyzed, from both fundamental principal of marketing perspective and green marketing perspective. Following is the analysis of Aulani’s external business environment, which can be divided into two parts, general environment and competitor analysis. Finally, SWOT analysis is withdrawn to conclude the previous analysis and two marketing strategies are recommended. I. General Business Description 1. Production Description Opened on August 29, 2011, Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, locates at Ko Olina Resort and Marina in the Hawaiian island of Oahu. It has two main 15-story buildings with 343 hotel rooms and 16 suites plus 460 Disney Vacation Club Villas. We will write a custom essay sample on Aulani Marketing Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides, there are two full-service restaurants, a buffet eatery, two lounges and two pool-side shacks that serve beverages and Pu Pu platter (an American Chinese Cuisine). The beachfront resorts also include an 8,200 square feet pool complex with two slides, a lazy river and an artificial snorkeling lagoon, a spa encompassed 18,000 square feet, and a 15,000 square feet conference center with around 40,000 square feet of outdoor venues. Other unparalleled amenities are fitness center, Aunty’s Beach House (Kids’ Club) and Painted Sky (Teen Spa). . Vision/mission statement As a part of the Walt Disney Company, Aulani shares the same mission of the company, which is â€Å"to be one of the worlds leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world .  While as for Aulani itself, the aim of it is to convey Hawaiian culture to visitors. This goal of Aulani is suggested by the meaning of â€Å"Aulani†, which means â€Å"messenger of a chief†: one who delivers messages from a higher authority†. II. Analysis of Internal Business Environment 1. Fundamental Principles of Marketing A. Product/Service With the Walt Disney first-rate dedication, Disney Imagineers worked together with Hawaiian locals to create Aulani, made it a perfect and enjoyable vacation destination for family with all ages and different sizes. Guests can celebrate Hawaiian culture, traditions and history from contemporary Hawaiian art featured throughout the Resort, to myriad recreational activities, culinary programs, excursions and more, being immersed in the legends of the island and experiencing the true enchantment of Hawaii. The needs of guests are promised to always be assured by the Disney’s world-famous service, so that guests can be truly relaxing to enjoy time with family. B. Price There are four types of rooms/suites in the two main buildings: Standard Room; Parlor Room; Lei Huhu Suit and Ahu U’la Suite. The price range is from $399 a night for the Standard Room to $2,499 a night for the Ahu U’la Suite. As for Disney Vacation Club Villas, Deluxe Studio, 1-Bedroom Villa, 2-Bedroom Villa and Grand Villa are available for Disney Vacation Club Members. Members pay the accommodation by their Vacation Points. C. Place Avoided squeezing in hundreds of hotels in Waikiki, Aulani chooses to be a part of Ko Olina Resort Community and Marina, which is in the western side of Oahu, 27 miles away from Waikiki and 17 miles from International Airport. Ko Olina is a laid-back community with picturesque natural views and well-rounded recreational amenities, which is one of the premier resort destinations in Hawaii. It not only has sweeping ocean views, picture-postcard white sand beaches and tranquil crystal blue lagoon, but also owns championship golf course, shopping center as well as snorkeling and fishing spots. Aulani is nestled between the lush green mountains and beautiful ocean waters, taken up 21 acres of beachfront property of Ko Olina. D. Promotion As a world’s leading company, Walt Disney Company is a master in terms of promotion. Besides using traditional channel, such as television, newspaper, official websites and radio, to promote, Aulani also makes use of social networking like Facebook and Twitter to create word of mouth momentum. The most impressing way of their promotion is that they welcome bloggers to come to their events and to interview their managers, which is not every company would like to does. The CEO of Walt Disney Company believes that social networking can easily reach people who might be interested in Disney and can get great their feedback immediately. Moreover, according to Lilly Yeatman, Marketing Director for Aulani, the current target markets of Aulani are Mainland United States and Japan, and they have several marketing managers to deal with issues in terms of these two regions. 2. Green Marketing As more and more people are aware of environmental problems which our human being are facing, most people nowadays do shopping with some degree of morality in mind, taking social or environmental issues into consideration as they select from a range of product or services. Therefore, the concept of â€Å"green marketing†or â€Å"sustainable marketing†becomes emerging in the field of marketing. According to the American Marketing Association, green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe and it incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. It mainly takes four forms from eco-friendly aspects, which are operational sustainability, green products/services, sustainable marketing and environmental causes. As a resort which is engaged in service industry, Aulani pursues green marketing by adopting operational sustainability and green services. 1. Operational sustainability Operational sustainability basically means business improves sustainability by reducing everyday energy and minimizing pollution using green technologies. In the case of Aulani, the design and construction of its buildings are where reflecting this concept most. Disney architects mainly focus on three aspects: recycle and reuse energy, improve energy efficiency and control air quality. Following are some examples in terms of these three aspects. Recycle and reuse energy + The waste heat from air-conditioning is reused via heat pump technology, which can capture waste heat from air-conditioning chillers and use it as the energy to heat the water running out of hot-water faucets. + The Aulani construction team successfully recycled more than half of the construction waste materials that were generated on site. Materials that were recycled included concrete, concrete masonry units, wood, metal, steel, aluminum, cardboard and glass, as well as green waste from planting materials. Improve energy efficiency + â€Å"Cool roof†technology reflects the infrared spectrum back into the atmosphere, adjusting the roof temperature by different situation and helping to keep buildings cool. While â€Å" green roofs†above the spa fitness center and the kitchen at â€Å"AMA’AMA†can automatically deflect the infrared spectrum and provide natural shade. The elevators in Aulani use nearly one-third less energy than traditional elevators and they don’t require petroleum-based lubricants, based on fossil fuels. Moreover, the emergency stairwells have energy-saving lighting technology, with a bi-level emergency lighting that keeps stairwells illuminated with minimum code lighting at all times. Only when a person enters the stairwell, sensors activate and the lighting level w ill increase. Control air quality + â€Å"Demand ventilation†is used as a technique is spaces such as ballrooms and meeting rooms to minitor the air quality. This technique measures the carbon dioxide being emitted from spaces when large numbers of guests gather, which means air can be customized for the number of people in the room. + Furthermore, indoor air quality standards of Aulani have been established for the resort by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. B. Green Product/Service Besides operational sustainability, green product/service is the other main aspects of green marketing which are implemented by Aulani. Green product/service is defined as â€Å"Companies producing products can do many things to improve the green factor of their offerings. †Being a resort in the service industry, Aulani makes its service green mainly by promoting concept and creating sustainable programme or activities for guest. Promoting concept Using â€Å"big H, little d†as their promotion concept, Aulani respects Hawaiian culture fits into Hawaiian style rather than brings in tons of Disney fancy stuffs. Unlike other Disney theme Parks, Aulani here in Hawaii tries not to be â€Å"an island of an island†. You even can hardly find Disney characters when you are have fun here, because Disney imagineers work with cultural consultants and community leaders as well as with local artists and designers, and they try to make here to be real magical Polynesian villages, so that guests could have an authentic Hawaiian experience to celebrate Hawaii’s living culture. This promotion concept is evident to benefit for the fragile culture of Hawai’i. The value of respecting the land and culture is surely sustainable for passing Hawaii culture from generation to generation and the culture may spread it to other places in the world by Aulani’s guests. Sustainable programs or activities There are many sustainable programs and activities which Aulani’s guests can participate in conservation. Joe Rohde, vice president and executive designer for Walt Disney Imagineering, said that the purpose of creating sustainable programs and activities for guests is that the hope to enlighten and entertain, and also raise awareness about the importance of supporting conservation in Hawaii, at home and globally where the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund is supporting projects. The most impressed one may be steeping into muddy taro field and helping harvest the taro with community volunteers. A green taro field is located at the entry of Aulani, which is maintained by some community volunteers. Taro is a heart of soul of Hawaiian culture, by having the true experience of taro farming and being told the traditional Hawaiian stories, guest will have a better understand of Hawaiian culture. Another incredible spots which guests can enjoy are Rainbow Reef Snorkel Lagoon and the Makai Preserve, which share nature up close with guests. Aulani makes them home to the graceful hihimanu brown stingrays and other colorful creatures of the sea. Moreover, Aulani has a resort-wide recycling program for guests and workers to participate. The recycling items include cardboard, aluminum, paper and plastic, as well as food waste, electronics, batteries, and light bulbs. III. Analysis of External Business Environment 1. General Environment A. Economics According to the report which is issued by the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization on 4th November, 2011, Hawaii’s economics is in pause mode. The general economic trend continues to slowdown through the recovery process with heightened external risks. Stagnant labor market, absent construction and limited income growth are considered having evident problems, although in some respects Hawaii’s economics is healthier than the United States as a whole. However, it forecasts that the trend of Hawaii’s economic recovery process will turn out to be positive as moving into 2012. In this report, it also mentions that United States’ economic conditions remained suffering and consumer confidence and spending is still anemic. Moreover, being the number one income of Hawaii, tourism sector also has suffered this year, from the Japanese earth quake, higher energy prices, and deteriorating US consumer confidence. The data released by the Department of Business, Economics and Tourism in Hawaii shows that the growth rate of tourism sector in the second quarters of 2011 is lower than previous quarters. The total number of visitors arriving by air to Hawaii increases only by 0. 5 percent in the second quarter, with the number of domestic visitors grows by 1. percent while the number of international visitors decreases by 2. 2 percent. Although the total number of international visitors decreases in the second quarter, the strong point for tourism this year is that the number of visitors who come from countries other than US and Japan is soaring and these visitors makes up 18 percent of the tourism market in this year through September. Scheduled airline seats from Australia, South Korea, and Canada are up 28 per cent, 78 percent and 6. 6 percent respectively. B. Culture Although experiencing the history of Euro/American colonialism, Hawaii retains its unique culture of their authentic Polynesian ancestors. Aloha, Onaha are two core cultural values among Hawaiian, which are considered persistent and are passed from generation to generation. Aloha is the most famous cultural value in Hawaii, which represents affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy. It is the coordination of mind and heart within every Hawaiian, bringing every Hawaiian to the self. It encourages everyone to think and emote good feelings to others. The Aloha spirits make Hawaii a place with friendly, nice and giving people. Ohana, which means family, is the most important value in Hawaiian culture. It is defined as a group of related people who share nearly everything, from land and food to children and status. This group of people is not necessarily related by blood, they can be anyone who shares a common sense of aloha. Hawaiians embraces Ohana as the basic unit of society and the best form of human expression. They believe that everyone has a responsibility to use their talents to benefit the entire ohana. 2. Competitor Analysis There are other three main resorts at Ko Olina, which are JW Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa, Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club timeshare resort, and the Beach Villas at Ko Olina condominium resort. Among of these competitors, JW Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa is considered as the most competitive one, since it has the longest history and highest reputation. Following is a table showing the comparison of Aulani and JW Marriott Ihilani. , which shows that the overall scale as well as the variability of amenities and programs of Aulani cannot match for JW Marriott Ihilani. |
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Business Information Systems Design and Implementation
Question: Discuss about the Business Information Systems Design and Implementation. Answer: Introduction: In the provided case scenario, it is observed that the management of August Online Technology has intended to conduct a financial analysis for the next eight years based on its income, expenses and tax among others. There are several indicators to evaluate the future potential of the company among which the outcome of net income after tax can clearly depict the possible profitability in the near future. Analyzing the overall financial performance is the most essential practice that enables the company to not only recognizes its own capability but also helps to compare its financial position with other rival companies as well as the external market requirements (Waghmode Sawant, 2014). Goal Seek Analysis Goal seek analysis is considered to be the most essential practice through which the company can have knowledge regarding the possible practices as per its financial abilities (Waghmode Sawant, 2014). The following pictorial illustration (Figure 1) clearly depicts that the sales of the company is expected to increase within the next eight years with the support of the product X. The annual revenue of the company in the initial year is around $50,373,252, which is expected to increase up to $77,498,088 as shown in the below mentioned diagram. The estimated sales have been calculated based on the total unit sold in the previous years and average sales growth rate comprises of $235,411 and 3.25%. The provided scenario describes that the company has increased the overall sales every year as well as the price of the products are also increased by 3%. Thus, based on these elements, the sales of the next years have been calculated accordingly, which is found to be steadily increasing there by representing higher profitability for the company. Considering the goal-seek analysis, there are certain elements on which the sales growth rate largely depends such as annual price growth, annual sales growth and the previous years sales. Now, in case the average of the annual sales growth rate gets decreased, the revenue or annual sales will also be reduced. For instance, in the Year 6 and Year 7 the company failed to perform due to which the sale growth rate become -2% and -3%. Therefore, the overall sales of the company for Year 7 and Year 8 will be reduced from the estimated figure. The stated fact can be elaborated with the help of the following diagram (Figure 2), wherein it is clearly represented that the sales of Year 7 and Year 8 has been reduced due to the changes made in the average growth rate. Thus, based on the understanding obtained from the goal seek analysis, it can be recommended that the company must require the maintainenance of its estimated growth rate as the minimum point to attain the target sales within the particular period. However, from the diagram (Figure 2), it has also been apparent that after reducing the average growth rate and price increase rate for two years, the company sales still continues to increase in the Year 7, which reduces in the last year. From this instance, it can be assumed that the company has high potential in the near future, as it has the capability to face financial loss without slowing down the sales growth. Evaluation of the Eight-Year Financial Projection Based on the financial performance of the company, it has been apparent that the company can develop its revenue along with higher profitability even in this competitive market (Fridson Alvarez, 2011). The following pictorial illustration (Figure 3) represents the overall financial projection value of the company, which has steadily been increased with time and at the end of eight years the company is expected to earn approximately $23,171,928. Concerning the expenses, advertising the product as shown in the above diagram (Figure 3), cost of web services, maintenance of the production or operation, rent of the corporate space, salaries to the involved workers, cost related to shipping the products to the end users and supply chain expenses are the estimated elements based on which the total expenses has been calculated. All the expenses apart from maintenance are calculated through particular percentages, which have been elaborated below: Advertising expenses calculated as 8% of the annual sales in addition to $1,250 as fixed amount Rent has been provided for the initial year, which is expected to increase every year by 6.5% and add to the amount accordingly The company will pay 12% of the annual sales as salaries for the workers 6% of the annual sales are considered as the shipping cost for carrying the product from the production house to the target market The company will include suppliers to supply the product to the end consumers for which 1.2% of the sales are paid as the supply expenses at the end of the year August Online Technology will also adopt web services to perform several activities such as advertising, research or publishing for which at the initial year the company will include $85,000 and each year 6% of the previous price will be added to the figure Apart from this, the company will pay income tax based on the amount of operating income, wherein in case the figure is less than zero, then no tax will be paid otherwise the company will need to pay 33% of the operating income as income tax The net income of the company has been calculated based on all these expenses and the overall expected sales or the product during this particular period. The following diagram (Figure 4) depicts the projected net income that the company can attain from the product X, which has steadily been increased by the end of the Year 8. Thus, it is apparent that the company can largely concentrate on maintaining the growth rate with the support of developed strategies and well-managed workforce, which will eventually help to provide the estimated outcome at the end of the period. Apart from this, it is also worth mentioning that the company can easily enhance the target arena as it has higher financial capability, and can support to bear the possible loss due to new entrants (Fridson Alvarez, 2011). Improving Marketing Sales The August Online Technology has aimed to enhance the revenue for the product X with the support of new market trends such as internet. Based on the projected financial analysis, it can be stated that the company has high potential in future, as the net income is estimated to increase steadily over the period of time. Therefore, the company can concentrate on enhancing the sales volume of the product by investing in marketing. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that online marketing has become a huge medium for organizations in the present context, wherein through a particular platform the marketers can target the entire global arena (Fang Zhou, 2012). The August Online Technology can also utilize the internet source to market the product X, which will help to make the huge numbers of customers aware of the product, thereby enhancing the overall sales volume. Nowadays, every age group of people prefers to use online sources for obtaining information regarding the products in terms of reviews and customers feedback. Therefore, with the support of the web designer or developer, the company can create an online platform for placing the product in front of the target population. There are several services provided by the companies through online forum in the current market to retain the potential customers (Yannopoulos, 2011). However, parallel to creating a website, the August Online Technology also needs to maintain transparent communication with the customers. The company can develop the website in such a manner through which the customers can provide their feedback or share their experience with the product. This can on one hand help the company to improve the product quality, while on the other hand the customers can also get attracted due to this facility as they are also valued by the management in the decision making. On the other hand, web publishing is also considered to be another suitable activity to attract customers in this world of immense competition. Internet has become a huge part of the daily life schedule of the individuals for which the marketers has also initiated to portray all the required information on the social media website (Fang Zhou, 2012). Taking the reference from the stated fact, August Online Technology can also utilize web publishing as their promotional tool, wherein it will publish all the promotional activities through the company website as well as other social media websites to make the customers aware regarding their new policies or offers. Network Security Risks and Protection Security threat has become the most crucial aspect, which is continuously increasing across the globe and has caused a serious concern for companies to ensure product privacy to the customers (Alabady, 2009). There are numerous threats in security risks or network attacks among which hacking majorly affects the privacy maintenance. Since the company will be maintaining an online platform, it has huge security risks in terms of hacking. Due to the process of hacking, it is possible that the hackers will extract the required information from the company website or the company will not be able to control the website. Apart from this, other security risks include snooping and eavesdropping, which are regarded as the threat to accessing the company secure data by any unauthorized person without the consent of the company management (Padmavathi Shanmugapriya, 2009). While developing online forum or maintaining the platform, August Online Technology needs to concentrate on such aspects to avoid network attacks and ensure security of products to the customers. References Alabady, S 2009, Design and implementation of a network security model for cooperative network, International Arab Journal of e-Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 26-36. Fang, X. 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