Thursday, November 28, 2019
Tragic Hero in Antigone free essay sample
The play Antigone, written by Sophocles in 441 B. C. , presents a tragedy of characters whom suffer greatly, caused by a series of tragic flaws. Antigone, the main character of the play, seems to be the perfect character in the role of a tragic hero, in the light of the facts that she dies in doing what is right. However, in many ways it is debatable about whether or not the play is centrally based on Antigone’s tragedy, but rather Creon’s, the kind of Thebes. In this play, Creon presents himself as a protagonist and a tragic hero, who had a true epiphany. He not only realizes and learns from his tragic flaws, but in the end bears tremendous sufferings and sorrow. It is clear that Creon’s hamartia was his pride, arrogance, and beliefs of a leader. His downfall began when he denied the burial of Polyneices and was firm when he condemned Antigone for her objection to his law. We will write a custom essay sample on Tragic Hero in Antigone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Creon represents the laws of the land and the divine ruler of society. He remains loyal in upholding his laws and trying to overpower the laws of the gods, until later when he realizes that the divine laws are stronger than his own. His regard for the laws of the city cause him to abandon all other beliefs, moral or religious. This is showed when he says, â€Å"As long as I am King, no traitor is going to be honored with the loyal man. But whoever shows by word and deed that he is on the side of the State, he shall have my respect while he is living, and my reverence when he is dead†(197). Creon is in a position of great power, influence, and responsibility. The extent of his power is quite clear when he sentenced Antigone to death for disobeying his order. Antigone’s reasons for burying her brother were simply the fact that she was demonstrating her love, honor, and loyalty to her family. However, the reason Creon was furious was that he felt insulted that Antigone flagrantly and publicly disobeyed him. Because of Creon’s pride and stubbornness, he has lost everything important to him. In the end he realized that the gods were right, but it was too late then to correct his mistakes. His pain and loss could have all been avoided if he had done what Teiresias, the blind prophet in the play, advised him to do. Instead, he put his pride first. His words to Teiresias were, â€Å"If your birds – if the great eagles of God himself should carry him stinking bit by bit to heaven, I would not yield. I am not afraid of pollution: No man can defile the gods†(232). In response, Teiresias gave him the judgments that will come upon him if he chooses not to listen to the words of the gods. He said, â€Å"The time is not far off when you shall pay back corpse for corpse, flesh of your own flesh†(234).
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Castles of Wales essays
Castles of Wales essays Chepstow which is a Norman castle was constructed beginning in 1067. This was less than a year after the new king, William the Conqueror, was crowned. It was built high over the river Wye in Southeast Wales. The Normans werent the first to realize the strategic value of this position. We know this because the arch above the main doorway into the hall was built by bricks taken from a Roman fort that used to stand close by. This position was an advantage partly because it allowed allies to bring supplies to the castle during times of battle and siege. They brought these supplies through the river. All through the Middle Ages Chepstow remained the center of the military and also administrative power. In Strigoils Marcher lordship. Chepstow was built by William fitz-Osbern, a loyal Norman Lord. A few months after the battle of Hastings in 1066 William fitz-Osbern then lord of Breteuil in Normandy was created earl of Hereford by William the Conqueror. He was stuck with the job of subduing the southern Welsh borderlands. Before his death in 1071 he had completed the rectangular keep. This is the earliest dateable secular stone structure in Britain. Fortresses built by fitz-Osbern were the vehicles that the new king used to obtain control over his newly conquered lands. Chepstow became the main launching point for journeys that over time quieted the rebellious people. Chepstows Great Hall, which was started in 1067, is the oldest surviving stone fortification in Britain because of this and some other facts its important to Britains history. Other castles built at this time have been long gone, but here at Chepstow it is possible to see and feel the remains. Inside the Great Hall men with considerable power planned strategies with other Welsh Marcher Lords. They mapped out invasions to gain control of the country that was still ruled by groups of powerful Princes. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Promot Sleep in ICU Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Promot Sleep in ICU - Research Paper Example When the patients were admitted at the CCU, their nocturnal sleep time was 6.6. ± 1.1 hours. However, after the use of eye masks, the quality of sleep in terms of effectiveness and disturbance significantly increased (p This study was conducted to examine the effects of eye masks on the quality of sleep of patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. The study was fronted as a result of the reduction in sleep quality in patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. The study was conducted on sixty patients admitted in two separate coronary care units in Baqiyatallah Hospital based in Tehran (Daneshmandi, Neiseh, SadeghiShermeh, & Ebadi, 2012). The patients were selected by sampling method and randomly assigned to either the case or the control group. The case group was provided with eye masks and their sleep quality was measured using the Petersburg sleep quality index. The obtained data was later analyzed by independent T-test, paired T-test, SPSS software version 19 and Spearman and Pearson’s correlation co-efficient (Daneshmandi et al., 2012). The results revealed that the quality of sleep of the case group decreased significantly, whereas the quality of sleep in the control gr oup increased. This led to the conclusion that using eye masks at night is an uncomplicated and cheap method for improving sleep quality in patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. This study was conducted to examine the effects of eye masks and ear plugs in helping patients exposed to light and noise when in critical care environment. Sixty four patients undergoing treatment in cardiothoracic critical care unit agreed to take part in the study
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management (in general) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management (in general) - Essay Example The leader must communicate to its members so that as a group, they will know what to perform in order to achieve their goal. The leader will give a group of instructions that will guide the members of the organization. The instructions must be clear enough to understand well by the members. Decision theory is a general approach to decision making when the outcomes associated with the alternatives are often in doubt. It helps managers with decisions on process, capacity, location and inventory, because such decisions are about an uncertain future. Managers in other functional areas can also use decision theory (Lundy). According to Lundy, "Management is principally a task of planning, coordinating, motivating and controlling the efforts of others towards a specific objective".1 This definition covers the three major functions of management, viz., planning, implementing and controlling. It points out management is what management does, i.e., planning, executing and controlling group activities. Thus, managing is an art of creating favorable performance environment enabling the group to attain stated objectives and management is the body of organized knowledge, i.e., science which underlines the art. "Management is what management does" - points out the functional approach to management and emphasizes the importance of distinctive managerial functions which together give us unified concept of the process of management. Functions of management are also called elements of management. An analysis of the functions of management points out what management does. It also provides the basis for defining precisely the word 'management' (Drucker). Broadly speaking, a manager is called upon to perform the following managerial functions: 2.1 Planning When management is reviewed as a process, planning is the first function is to be performed by a manager. The work of a manager begins with the setting of objectives of the organization and goals in each area of the business (Sherlker). This is done through planning. A manager proves the present to find where he is and he then forecasts future objectives which will indicate where he wants to be. The alternatives to achieve the objectives are evaluated and the selected alternatives become the plan of action. 2.2 Organizing Managing a business is not just planning. It includes putting life into the plan by bringing together the executive personnel, workers, capital, machinery, materials, physical facilities and other things or services to execute plans. When these resources are assembled the enterprise comes to life. Organizing involves determining and noting activities needed to fulfill the objectives, grouping these activities into manageable units or departments, and assigning such groups of activities to managers (Sherlker). Delegation of authority creates an organization. It determines authority - responsibility relationship. These relationships must be properly coordinated to secure unity of organization. 2.3 Staffing Staffing involves filling the positions needed in the organization
Monday, November 18, 2019
Jackson Pollock and Modern Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jackson Pollock and Modern Art - Essay Example The essay "Jackson Pollock and Modern Art" explores the art of Jackson Pollock and his impact in the context of Modern Art. He was â€Å"a roughshod, ill-mannered, prodigiously ambitious, aggressive, alcoholic, tormented artist .†This image is important to an interpretation of the apparently chaotic nature of much of Pollock’s works, and the technique that led to them. However, as is often the case with creative artists of all sorts, and particularly painters such as Pollock, there was a method to his madness. As Toynton has pointed out, films of Pollock creating his paintings clearly show that even the most abstract of them start as figurative works and only move into the abstract as they develop.Pollock moved his canvas from the easel to the floor, thus enabling him to work on much larger canvases with greater ease than before, and also to see them from multiple points of view. In one revealing statement he talked about his technique and why he used it: My painting d oes not come from the easel. I hardly ever stretch the canvas before painting. I prefer to tack the unstretched canvas to the hard wall or the floor. I need the resistance of a hard surface. On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting. It is interesting to note that Pollock takes an intense and yet casual approach to his painting. Thus the fact that he does not go through the often laborious process. of stretching the canvas before painting on it, but rather merely tacking it to a wall or floor illustrates the casual, almost primitive method of preparation. At the same time Pollock becomes more intensely involved with the painting, as if he were actually a part of it: I continue to get further away from the usual painter's tools such as easel, palette, brushes, etc. I prefer sticks, trowels, knives and dripping fluid paint or a heavy impasto with sand, broken glass or other foreign matter added. When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It is only after a sort of 'get acquainted' period that I see what I have been about. I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well. (Varnedoe, 23) The idea of being "in" the painting is of course hardly new to Pollock, but the fact that his technique apparently fitted into his emotional and intellectual attachment to the painting is. His physical technique: standing on and thus within the painting, had a profound effect both upon his creations and upon generations of creative artists in general and painters in particular, for years both during and after his lifetime. Pollock hinted, although never explicitly stated, that he was influenced by Native American sand paintings, which are made by trickling thin lines of colored sand onto a flat surface. After WWII, in 1947 Pollock began what he called his "action paintings", which were at least partially informed by the surrealist ideas of "psychic automatism". This automatism was meant to be a direct expression of the unconscious. A direct expression of something which is, by definition, unknowable to the conscious mind might seem a
Friday, November 15, 2019
Temperature Effect on Embryonic Development in Fish Eggs
Temperature Effect on Embryonic Development in Fish Eggs Abstract The captive breeding of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) was successfully carried out at the Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, India. Induced breeding trials conducted on the fish revealed that the fish can be naturally spawned Low temperature using sGnRH analogue and dopamine antagonist (Ovaprim). Spawning was observed eighteen hrs after the injection at low temperature (16 Â ± 2oC). The fertilized eggs were adhesive and transparent with diameter ranging between 0.8mm to 1.10 mm. The incubation period was 120 hours and 84 hours at temperature 15-18o C (April) and 20-26oC (August) respectively The hatchlings were transparent and measured 3.45-4.75 mm, with a large oval head, a well defined yolk sac and short tail. The yolk got fully absorbed within 2-3 days and by this time mouth formation was complete and the larvae started exogenous feeding. Present study, may be useful in standardizing the ex-situ breeding protocols for Koi carp under lower temperature. Introduction Ornamental fish is often used as a generic term to describe aquatic animals kept in the aquarium hobby (Livengood et al 2009). Ornamental fishes form an important commercial component of aquaculture providing for aesthetic requirements and upkeep of the environment (Swain et al 2008). USA is the largest importer of ornamental fishes followed by Europe and Japan. The emerging markets are China and South Africa. Over US $ 500 million worth of ornamental fish are imported into the USA each year (Anonymous. 2006). Indias share in ornamental fish trade is estimated to be less than1 % of the global trade. The major part of the export trade is based on wild collection. The overall domestic trade in this field cross Rs 1000 lakh and is reportedly growing at the rate of 20 per cent annum (NABARD). Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most important cultured fish in the world. More than 2.7 million tonnes of common carp were produced in 2000 (FAO, 2002). Koi carp is ornamental variety of domesticated common carp (Cyprinus carpio) that are kept for decorative purpose in outdoor ponds or water gardens. They belong to the family Cyprinidae and the order Cypriniformes. It is one of the most popular and favorite ornamental fishes amongst all ornamental fish species and it has high market value for its excellent color. The color and scale pattern of the species is highly variable. It may look like big gold fish, distinguishing for its barbels at the sides of the mouth and for its size (Ghosh et al 2012). They are delicate and are very peaceful towards occupants and hence well suited to aquarium. There is various colour variations in koi carp like white, black, red, yellow, blue and cream. Like all cyprinides, koi carp is also a egg layer. They produce adhesive eggs. This speci es exhibits gonochorism, external fertilization with varied spawning frequencies (Balon 1990) and considered as batch spawner (Kalilota et al 1993). They grow up to 100 cm length with an elongate body measuring 3 to 4 times less in height than length. In their natural habitat, koi carp live up to 15-24 years (Kuroki, 1981). Considering the importance of koi carp, information on the early life history of a fish is very important for optimization of its large scale seed production, culture and management practices, therefore, this study was carried out to highlight some aspects of the early life history, the development biological clock of koi carp in relation to low temperature. Material and Methods The fishes were purchased from Lucknow Local market during 2012. In the same day, the fishes were transported to the Fish farm, Directorate of coldwater Fisheries research (DCFR), Bhimtal. At the farm after disinfection, all fishes were reared in a cemented pond. The fishes were fed with floating pellets containing crude protein 28%, crude fiber 11.1%, and carbohydrate 33% (Table 1). After proper acclimatization and maintenance, the healthy and mature breeders (90-550g) were selected according to sexual dimorphism and transferred to hatchery shed in FRP tank of size 200cm X 200cm X 30cm with flow through arrangement of water system. The females are usually easier to identify, as belly of a mature female is generally larger, whereas male’s remains streamlined and more torpedo shaped (Mihalache et al 2011). The sex ratio of the spawners was kept at 2:1 for male and female. The breeding programme was carried out using salmon Gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue and domperidone injection (ovaprim, Syndel laboratories INDIA Brooders were administered hormone @ 0.6 ml per kg body weight to female and 0.3 ml per kg body weight to male intra peritoneal in the evening hours. The breeders set were released into FRP tank of 3000 L capacity having provision for flow through water system after the hormonal administration. Aquatic macrophyte (Hydrilla) was introduced into breeding tank for hiding purpose as well as holding adhesive eggs (Haniffa et al 2006). Translucent netting at the top also provided in order to observe to observe spawning behavior of fish. The egg hatching and larval rearing upto yolk sac absorption was taken up in the same tank that was used for spawning. The fertilization rate was counted by collecting random light microscope with digital camera (Nikon ECLIPSE E100). Samples of the eggs before fertilization and developmental time was rounded to nearest minutes until morula stage and then to hours. In present study, the developmental stages were divided into embryonic and larval development upto yolk sac absorption. The embryonic stage occur inside the egg shell and ends at the hatching. While, larval phase occur as egg hatches and ends when the larvae become capable of exogenous feeding. The water quality of hatchery was measured for temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen by HANNA HI 9828. Results There are few reports on breeding of koi carp in low temperature (Watson et al 2004; Ghosh et al 2012). present study spawning was noticed after 18 hours of hormone injection. The fertilized eggs of koi carp were foun to have adhesive, demersal and sticky to substratum (i.e. hydrilla). They were 0.8-1.10 mm in diameter, rounded and due to the adhesive nature of the egg, considerable debris adhered to the capsule of the egg. As the egg envelope is thick, transparent and sticky, observations on the developmental stages are difficult (Kovac, 2000). The eggs were deposited singly and were adhesive throughout the incubation period. The incubation period of eggs depends largely on water quality parameters such as salinity and temperature (Kuo et al 1973; Lio et al 1975). In the present study, the water temperature was 15-18oC during April and 20-26oC during August, under these conditions, eggs hatched out in 120 and 84 hours after fertilization respectively. Although a true metamorphosis is not generally described for fishes, the term hatchling, larvae and post larvae are used to indicate different stages of development from hatchling to fingerling stage (Boglinoe et al 1992). In present study, the embryonic development was divided into zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula and hatching period (Table 2, 3 Fig 1). The cleavage was meroblastic and the first division (2 celled stage) occurred 1 hours after fertillization, followed by second cleavage 1hour 35 minutes after fertilization. The 16 celled stage was reached 2 hours 20 minutes after fertilization. Subsequent cleavage increased cell number and reached morula stage. At this stage, a cap like structure was seen over the animal pole, which gradually increases in size the blastoderm further spread over the yolk and the formation of germinal ring around yolk was clearly visible within 15hours after fertillization. The yolk invasion completed after 32 hours and 13 minutes after fertiliza tion. The head and tail ends of the embryo became distinguishable during yolk plug stage. Yolk invasion was over and the blastopore was almost closed. The notochord was clearly seen at 46 hours and 16 minutes after fertilization. Further, embryo was elongated and encircled the whole yolk material within 48 hours after fertillization. At this stage, the anterior posterior axis was distinguishable in broader cephalic region with distinct forebrain and narrow end as tail region. At 76 hours after fertillization cephalic region became prominent, optic lens starts differentiating and mesodermal somites (16-18) were highly visible. A heart beat (80-91) per minutes were noticed at this stage. The caudal region started detaching from yolk and head further elongated in size showing all parts of brain, heart, lens and 22-25 somites after 101 hours after fertillization. The beating of heart intensified 130-140 beats per minutes and tail showed rhythmic movement on both side one by one. At 109 hours after fertillization lens fully formed and pectoral fin bud was clearly visible. In final stage of embryonic development, the growing embryo occupied the entire previtelline space. The lashing movements, which gradually become vigorous and egg capsules, were weakened and ruptured. The embryo ruptured the egg shell by the continuous movement and hatched out at 120 hours after fertillization at 16 Â ± 2o C. The hatchlings were transparent and measured 3.45-4.75 mm, with a large oval head, a well defined yolk sac and short tail. The yolk got fully absorbed within 2-3 days and by this time mouth formation was complete and the larvae started exogenous feeding Discussion Temperature is one of the most decisive environmental variables affecting embryonic development in fish eggs (Bermudes and Ritar, 1999; Kamler, 2002; Yang and Chen 2005).Within a viable range, incubation temperature strongly affects the rate of embryonic development of fish. Generally, lower temperature retards the rate of embryonic development and higher temperature accelerates it (Marangos et al., 1986; Pepin, 1991; Mihelakakis and Kitajima, 1994; Hart and Purser, 1995; Das et al 2006). The results of present showed that water temperature has a strong effect on development rate and hatching success of koi carp. In present study, the fertilized eggs of koi carp were found yellowish, adhesive and demersal. Haniffa et al (2007) and Ghosh et al (2012) found similar results in koi carp and common carp. Two celled, four celled, eight celled and sixteen celled stage were found 60, 95,120 and 150 minutes after fertilization respectively. Similar findings were reported by Ghosh et al 2012 i n koi carp. They found two celled, four celled, eight celled and sixteen celled stage with in 80, 110, 140 and 170 minutes after fertilization at 17 – 20o C respectively. However, Haniffa et al (2007) reported that same series occurred at 60, 90, 110 and 140 minutes after fertilization at 26 – 28oC. In common carp, it took 30, 80, 100 and 120 minutes after fertilization at 260C for same series (Balon 1995). The initiation of gastrula stage was noticed at fifteen hours after fertilization of egg at 16 Â ± 20C.Similar results was reported by Ghosh et al (2012) in koi carp. However, Haniffa et al. (2006) the same stage in koi carp at 7.30 to 11.40 minute after fertilization at 26-28 in summer season. Balon (1995) observed initiation of gastrulation of C. carpio occurring 6 hrs and 30 mins after fertilization of the eggs at 26-28 Â °C. This variation might be due to low water temperature and species difference. Changes in the pattern of the entire structure of an organ in relation to the environment are decisive for evaluating the developmental patterns of species (Balon, 1999; Mahmud et al 2012). The early development of fish is strongly affected by incubation temperature (Mahmud et al 2012). Generally, lower temperature retards the rate of embryonic development of fish and higher temperature accelerates it (Saka et al., 2001). In present study period the ambient temperature was low and fluctuating which may delay the embryonic and larval development of koi carp. A comparative study on the study of embryonic development of koi carp at different temperature is listed below (Table 3). In present study, embryo hatched out in 144 hrs after fertilization at 16 Â ± 2o C which was similar to the findings Watson et al (2004). They reported the time required to hatch the embryo of koi carp in 5-7 days at 20-24 o C. Similar results were obtained by Ghost et al (2012). However, the results of presen t study vary from Haniffa et al 2007, who found 72-73 hours are needed for hatching of Koi carp. This can be attributed to different physical condition of brood fish and lower temperature of water at the time of breeding. In conclusion, Koi carp can be easily matured and bred successfully under low water temperature captive conditions similar to carp. The descriptive investigation into the embryonic development and temperature tolerance should provide valuable information about the ability of the species to handle low temperature condition. As there are no commercial approaches of induced breeding and seed production of koi carp in the colder regions of the country but there is high demand of this ornamental fish for its colorful and attractive appearance. Hence, In spite of the long incubation period, the captive breeding, embryonic development protocol described herein should provide a base for future studies on koi carp and help in achieving conservation and commercial goals. References Livengood EJ, Chapman FA. 2009 The ornamental fish trade: An introduction with perspective for responsible aquarium cooperative extension service, institute of food and agricultural science, university of Florida, Gainesville. Swain SK, Singh SK, Routray P, Barik NK. 2008 Indigenous ornamental fishes: Status, Issues and strategies for propagation and conservation. e- planet 6(2): 2, 20- 22. Anonymous. 2006. Carp Breeding and Seed Production. Hand Book of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Pp 248-264. Indian Council of Agricultural Research. 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Effects of salinity and temperature on incubation period, hatching rate and morphogenesis of the silver sea bream, Sparus sarba (Forssk3l, 1775). Aquaculture 126, 361– 371 Hart, P.R., Purser, G.J., 1995. Effects of salinity and temperature on eggs and yolk sac larvae of the greenback flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina Gunther, 1982). Aquaculture 136, 221– 230. Das T, Pal A K, Chakraborty S K, Manush S M, Dalvi R S, Sarma K, Mukherjee S G 2006 Thermal dependence of embryonic development and hatching rate in Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). Aquaculture 255: 536–541 Haniffa M A, Allen Benziger P S, Jesu Arockiaraj A, Nagarajan M, Siby P 2007 Breeding Behaviour and Embryonic Development of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Taiwania 52(1): 93-99 Balon, E.K. 1995. The common carp, Cyprinus carpio: its wild origin, domestication in aquaculture, and selection as colored nishikigoi, 47pp. Balon EK. 1999. Alternative ways how to become a definitive phenotype or a juvenile (and on some persisting linguistic offences). Environment and Biology of Fish 56, 17- 38 Mahmud Z, Ahmed F, Ghosh1 A K, Azad A K , Bir Y,Rahaman S M B 2012 Induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of comet gold fish (Carassius auratus) in Khulna, Banglades. International Journal of Biosciences 2: 28-38 Saka S, Forat K, Kamaco HO. 2001. The development of European sea bas (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) eggs in relation to temperature. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 25, 139-147. Helen I, Battle H I (1939) The embryology and larval development of the goldfish (Carassius auratus) from Lake Erie. Department of Zoology, University of Western Ontario.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Adventures Of Huck :: essays research papers
Freedom From Life "Man is free at the moment he wishes to be,"- Voltaire. This quote could no better sum up the quest for freedom in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. "Freedom in this book specifically means freedom from society and imperatives. Huck and Jim seek freedom not from a burden of individual guilt and sin, but from social constraint" (425). Throughout the book, Twain illustrates that the quest of the two is one of the breakaway from civilization to acquired freedom. Huck, though a young child, valued freedom in his life more than any other object and depicted that fact to be one of the main themes in the novel. The conflict between society and the individual became a controlling theme in the novel as it developed. In the book, Huck mentioned that the Widow Douglass was on a mission to "sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time…and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out…and I was free and satisfied (Twain 11)." The restriction of living with Widow Douglass introduced the idea of Huck's quest for freedom. Widow Douglas wanted to "sivilize" him. In contrast, Huck wanted to be "free and satisfied." Freedom not only in the beginning of the novel in this point was evident, but the end reinstated Huck's desire for sovereignty. The novel ended with Huck planning "to light out" for a different territory because Aunt Sally wants to "sivilize" him. The thought of burden from individual guilt and sin did not connect with the story. Considering the concept of religion is attacked by Twain throughout the novel. Basically, a society which required its slaves to become practicing Christians is a contradiction of the tenants of Christianity. Another intent to leave, was the escape form religion. Huck saw miss Watson's view of "a pearly gate" concept of heaven as being essentially boring and mainly restrictive. In between these opening and closing remarks, Huck encounters varying aspects, attitudes, and restrictions of society and learns to prefer his own individual freedom. The idea of Huck's quest for freedom is easily correlated with Jim's search for freedom…from slavery. Jim set his quest for freedom also from the background of society. "Well, I b'lieve you, Huck I-I run off (Twain 50)." Jim confesses to Huck that he must gain freedom from the burden of his slavery.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Normative ethical subjectivism Essay
Normative ethical subjectivism is an ethical stance that attempts to specify circumstances under which an action is morally right or wrong using four distinct arguments that try to prove this claim. Normative ethical subjectivism claims that an act is morally right if, and only if, the person judging the action approves of it. Stemming form this view on ethics a normative ethical theory has been made. An ethical theory is a theory of what is right and wrong. This stance on ethics is the opposite of another ethical stance called methethical antirealism. Methethical antirealism is centered on the idea that because there is no right and wrong actions, just personal preferences there is no such thing as morality. It also states that morals are just a personal preference. Normative ethical subjectivism makes its claim in four different arguments witch are democracy, tolerance, disagreement and atheism. The democracy argument makes the premise that if everyone has an equal right to have and voice moral opinions then everyone’s moral opinions are equally plausible. The next premise states that everyone does have an equal right to have and voice moral opinions. These two premises lead to the conclusion that everyone’s moral opinions are equally plausible. The first premise of the argument creates a problem because not everyone’s moral opinions are equally valid and plausible. I have lots of opinions like the location of LSU, how far away the moon is and, the speed limit on College Drive. My opinion is LSU is located in Arizona, the moon is 100 miles away and the speed limit on College Drive is 75 miles per hour. My opinions are all incorrect showing that the plausibility of an opinion really has nothing to do with one’s right to hold it. Having a right to an opinion is one thing, the truth of that opinion quite another. This undermines the first premise of the argument causing me to reject a crucial part of the democracy argument. Consequently making the argument for democracy unstable and not a good foundation for supporting normative ethical subjectivism. The next argument for normative ethical subjectivism is the argument of disagreement. The first premise states that if there is a constant disagreement among educated, open-minded and, good-willed people about some subject matter, then that subject matter does not admit to an objective truth. Followed by the premise there is persistent disagreement about ethical issues among educated, open-minded and, good-willed people. These two statements lead to the conclusion that there are no objective ethical truths. There is persistent disagreement among educated, open-minded and, good-willed physicists and mathematicians. We assume that their work is aimed at discovering objective facts. Physicists continue to disagree about that started the universe. But this is not evidence that their views are subjective, it is evidence that the facts they arrive at are merely expressions of personal opinion about some fact. This shows that a professions may deal in objective truths even if it’s open minded and educated deeply disagree with one another. In rebuttal to this, normative ethical subjectivist would state that objective truths don’t exist, but for a finding to be true someone has to believe in it. Thus proving that the first premise of the argument of disagreement if false giving no support for normative ethical subjectivism. The tolerance argument of normative ethical subjectivism has two premises. The first premise states if normative subjectivism is true, then no one’s deepest opinions are more plausible than anyone else’s. The next premise states if no one’s deepest opinions are more plausible than anyone else’s, then we have to respect and tolerate the opinions of all others. Generating the conclusion that if normative subjectivism is true, then we have to respect and tolerate the opinions of all others. Tolerance is defined as â€Å"the capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others (Webster’s Dictionary).†In the normative ethical subjectivism argument tolerance is good thus making it good for others to respect the actions and beliefs of that other people. The tolerance argument is still not a persuasive argument for normative ethical subjectivism. The problem with tolerance argument is that we all have to be tolerance of people’s opinions if they truly believe in them, making their opinion morally right. If a person truly believes in intolerance and that intolerant behavior is acceptable then according to normative ethical subjectivism it is morally right. According to the tolerance argument if a racist feels that be does not what to be tolerant of other races and goes around killing them off but truly feels that that he is doing is right then to a normative ethical subjectivist we must be tolerant of opinion. The tolerance argument does not seem to be helping persuade a person towards normal ethical subjectivism view. The final argument for normative ethical subjectivism is the atheism argument. The atheism argument’s premise states if ethics are objective, then God must exist. Followed by the premise that God does not exist. Structuring the conclusion ethics is not objective. Since it cannot be proven through science and nature that God does exist, it validates the atheist argument. But lets suppose God does exist and he does issue commands on that is morally right and wrong. This brings up the euthyphro question, which asks are actions good because God commands them, or does God command them because they are good? The first part of the question, actions good because God commands them, makes God’s commands arbitrary and so if God commands us to throw our children into volcanoes, to rape, or to murder, then these actions would be good actions according to God. And for the next part of the question, God command them because they are good, seems to imply that there is a standard of goo dness over God. It also leaves open the question who is the commander behind moral commands? These arguments against the euthyphro question create doubt in the atheism argument. The arguments for normal ethical subjectivism are not very strong and could deter persons away form relativism. The above arguments against normal ethical subjectivism are few in numbers. For the majority of moral values and situations, actions are not complete but are relative to the persons or groups holding them. Lets say there is an objective moral fact that lying was wrong for all cases and should never be done. Avery close friend of yours is on the edge and suicidal. He asks you if he is an attractive person. You are this person’s only friend and every thing you tell him he takes very literally. He could be the most hideous person you have ever seen, but if you tell him he is ugly he will without doubt kill him self. According to the objective moral fact about lying that I have just made, you have to tell him the truth, that he is revolting. Or you could have a relativism stance and tell him he is an attractive person and stop him form killing him self. In this situation it would be ideal to save the persons life and prevent the mental problems stemming for know you killed someone. Although normal ethical subjectivism and metaethical antirealism are different but there is a relationship between them. Both of these views on ethics are subjective and both have its problems convincing people to follow them. Facts are mentioned as not important in their arguments. In the atheist argument of normal ethical subjectivism, God’s commands are not to be taken as facts but as suggestions. A big part of metaethical antirealism is that moral facts don’t exist but facts are just part of the role in making decisions. Normative ethical subjectivism is an ethical stance that attempts to establish the situations under which an action is morally right or wrong. It states an act is morally right if the person judging the act approves of it. Normative ethical subjectivism uses the arguments of democracy, tolerance, disagreement and atheism to try proving this claim. Methethical antirealism is an ethical stance that claims there are no right or wrong views or stances on ethical options. Methethical antirealism goes on to state that morals do not exist at all. Even thought normative ethical subjectivism failed make its calm a person can still be a relativist, but I still feel that every moral case must be taken on a base to base cineraria. Works Cited â€Å"Tolerance.†The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary. Revised and Expanded edition 1981.
Friday, November 8, 2019
A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts.
A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts. Instructions: Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following: You have been hired into a new company to oversee the accounting department. What type of financial reports would you expect to see in your department? How will you use the financial reports available to you to make business decisions?__________________________________________________________The type of reports that I would expect to see is the income statements, balance sheets as well as the profits and losses reports. The other things that I would also expect to see is the accounts payable and the financial reports.The way that I would use these reports is to analyze consumer buying trends as well as the commitments that have incurred so that way I can see what the future prospects may be. I would also use these reports to inspect the operations and the finances of the company and report any changes or unauthorized charges to the proper chain of command.The best thing to use these reports for is to help manage the su ccess of the business which would be done by increasing the profits and helping keep the inventory low and making changes where needed.Some of the other things that these reports can be used for is the monitoring of all of the activity of the business both current and the past. And comparing it to the future plans and goals of the company. This would give the information needed to keep the companys performance on track and heading in the right direction if they were not heading in the right direction, then I would make the necessary changes to get it heading in the right direction. I would then use all of the financial reports to ensure that the records show both current and past numbers and compare it to all of the...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How Visual Aids Can Help When Teaching a Foreign Language. Essay Example
How Visual Aids Can Help When Teaching a Foreign Language. Essay Example How Visual Aids Can Help When Teaching a Foreign Language. Essay How Visual Aids Can Help When Teaching a Foreign Language. Essay are all easily accessible and can be used time and again, in different classrooms, at no extra cost. Their size and weight make them an ideal tool for the busy teacher. Magazines: Magazines have many different types of images to make into flashcards and small cards; they are full of advertisements which can be used in contrast with each other. Examples could be: an assortment of advertisements for holiday destinations, highlighting different cultures and weather patterns, or; two photographs of capital cities, each with contrasting lifestyles. Flashcards: 2 Inexpensive cards can be made by using some form of hardboard and by adding colour pictures either downloaded from the internet or bought at a local shop. The chalk tray of a blackboard is an adequate holder to keep the cards within easy reach. We can use them with whole classes or groups, or even with single students. They may display pictures, bits of language or a combination of both. The lettering should be large enough to be seen from the back of a classroom. When teaching a foreign language, teachers can try using pink for feminine nouns and blue for masculine, or they could use two different colours to show adjectives and verbs. This works especially well for visual learners. Here are some ideas on how to use flashcards: Get students in pairs to guess the words or phrases that the pictures represent. Make a team game. Partially cover each picture and challenge teams to guess the word. Further points can be added or gained by making a sentence about the picture or asking a question about it. You can use sets of pictures and ask what they have in common, e. g. all forms of nature; objects you might find in a classroom; fruits and vegetables; Asian countries; sporting activities, etc. You can use the flashcards as cues for substitution in dialogues, e. g. a lexical set of pictures of fruits on the board. Teacher holds up a card and asks students: ‘Do you like bananas? Students answer and continue practicing. The teacher then elicits questions from students using the cards and invites others to respond. The dialogue can be further refined until the flashcards serve as prompts for students working alone. If you or your students want to use flashcards repeatedly over the course of the school year then it is advisable to laminate the cards. They are a wonderful, cheap and easy resource and can be used by children of all ages. Charts and Posters: Charts and posters are additional ways to expose your students to print and word relationships. They can be as simple as a list of things to do, classroom rules, the daily schedule, or a diagram with labels. They can be shop-bought or classroom created. Some examples are colour words, number words, a food pyramid chart, parts of a body, things found in a supermarket, and types of letters and notes, with salutations and closings. Since all diagrams cannot be drawn, they need to be made on charts. Different colours should be used to bring in variety, decoration and effect. Charts are very useful for presenting and practicing structures, vocabulary items and compositions. Pictures: Picture cards or post cards are extremely helpful in language teaching. Wall pictures include maps, posters, photographs, etc. They may be used in place of things such as clouds, sea, mountain, sky, etc. , which cannot be brought into the classroom. They are excellent in practice for oral composition and question and answer drill. Realia: . A classroom by its very nature is an unnatural place to be, but by ringing in real objects or ‘realia’, the teacher can help students relate to what goes on inside to the outside world. Realia consists of actual objects or items which are used in the classroom to illustrate and teach vocabulary or to serve as an aid to facilitate language acquisition and production. It also allows language learners to see, hear, and in some cases touch the objects. Realia can include the learners themselves, the classroom, furniture, the schoo l, published material such as advertisements and menus, the contents of learners pockets and bags, and the view outside the window. They can be used like visuals to present and practice structures, and as props for role play and dramatic activities. When playing themselves they can feel shy and uneasy. Helping them into a different role or person can give them more confidence and relieve their reservations. Realia helps to create this atmosphere. Advantages of visual aids: 3 1 Visual aids promote remembering by involving the senses of the learners, by arousing their curiosity, by making use of pictorial content and by providing variety in teaching. Teaching is made more effective by creating situations for presentation and practice of language items and by reducing dependence on the mother tongue. 3 They help in formation of language habits by drill, repetition and constant practice. 4 Pupils experience of language is increased by providing rich variety and better quality. 5 They promote teachers efficiency by saving time and energy. Teachers should also ask themselves when choosing visual aids: Can this visual aid also be replaced with some of the students work? Can I prepare this visual aid on my own? Is this visual aid too expensive and thus unnecessary for my classroom learning needs? Is this visual aid user-friendly and motivating for learning? Visual aids are most effective when the information they contain are organized in a systematic manner. Present the most important key points during the first part of your lesson, when their attention is at full capacity. They should help not hinder learning. No matter what type of visual aid you choose to put together, make sure that all the information you include on it relates to the main concepts you want to teach your students.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Psychological development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Psychological development - Assignment Example As the reproductive organs grow, the individuals begin to explore their sexuality. A very common result of this is heightened self-awareness. Some adolescents tend to compare their pattern of development with that of others that leads them to self-consciousness whereas others who exhibit perfect growing signs like height develop self-confidence. Adolescents become aware that the changes in their physique that they are noticing are also witnessed by people around them. Such changes include increase of height, and change of voice etc. In their attempt to grow ideally during the puberty, many adolescents experiment with their looks by changing their hairstyles. Since the adolescents are looks-conscious during this stage, such physical changes as acne and increased body odor can cause embarrassment in the adolescents. Gynecomastia is another commonly occurring condition in boys during puberty which is very embarrassing for them. They might not want to socialize with their friends in such condition and some even become isolated. Such boys avoid swimming and are shy of taking their shirts off in public places. The depression experienced during puberty can form mental scars for a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Do you Think the Principles of Design Affect Everyday Life Essay - 9
Do you Think the Principles of Design Affect Everyday Life - Essay Example Normally, this not by accident, it is because of a careful planning based on principles of design. Usually, the majority of people prefer their lives to have balance, they do not like living on the edge. People want to order in their lives. The same applies to design. Balance in design is concerned with the way a designer distributes the weight on every side of the image. When a designer gives much weight to the right side as to the left, the bottom and the top, this is referred to as symmetry. There is a number of ways to create symmetry. Asymmetrical page in a newspaper would have the right side and the left side of the page balanced. Doing this sometimes is ok; however, having everything balanced in a publication all the time is boring. People like balance in their lives, however they do not like seeing at symmetrical things always. Occasionally, it is necessary to approach media design of an image via asymmetry. This implies dissimilar but equal visual weight on each side. Thus, you would give one side of the page more weight via visuals, lettering, color etc. This implies that you do not have a page in the sense that all regions of the page are equal in what they contain (Sayre, 106). In design, balance is achieved via optical weights. This implies that a designer/artist decision on the significance of elements, and their positioning on the page lead the viewer through the page. In other words, the designer guides the viewer’s eyes where he wants them to go- from the most significant to what he thinks is least. The designer knows what he considers most significant elements and those that are not very important and thus he arranges them in such a manner. The scale is something that works naturally. It is basically arranging spaces in an image in an attractive relationship. Â
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